News and Events

Forum: How to Plan an Accessible Event (May 30)

Updated 5/15/19

image of flyer for Universal Design Council May 30, 2019 forum on How to Plan an Accessible Event

Click on the image above to open a PDF flyer to print or post.

NOTE: Pre-registration for this event is now over-capacity for the room. If you pre-registered but cannot attend, please let us know! If you cannot attend, e-mail at your earliest opportunity so we can allow others to take your place. 

The Northwest Universal Design Council and community partners invite you to a forum focused on planning events that are welcoming and inclusive to all ages and all abilities. Learn how communications, logistics, and programs can be more effective in drawing people of all ages and abilities, and get information about accommodations and other resources.

The forum takes place on Thursday, May 30, 2019 in the Bertha Knight Landes reception room at Seattle City Hall (600 4th Ave, in downtown Seattle). At 9:30 a.m. as well as after the forum, browse resource tables. The forum gets underway at 10 a.m. A panel of individuals will describe their experiences at public and private events, large and small. At 12 noon, participate in the premiere screening of “Serving People with Disabilities—A Customer Perspective,” a training video produced by the City of Seattle ADA Title II Compliance Program.

Light refreshments will be provided. FREE. RSVP at

For City Hall access information, visit Real-time captioning will be offered during the program.

The Bertha Knight Landes Room’s assisted listening system includes a hearing loop. Individuals who wear T-coil equipped hearing aids or Cochlear implants can switch to T-coil mode when the forum program begins. For others with hearing impairment, assisted listening receivers, headphones, and ear buds will be available at the door. American Sign Language interpretation will also be provided.

To request other disability accommodations or further accessibility information, contact Sarah Demas at 206-200-6801 or at your earliest opportunity.

This forum is coordinated by the Northwest Universal Design Council with support from AARP Seattle, Age Friendly Seattle, Aging and Disability Services—the Area Agency on Aging for Seattle-King County, Healthy Aging Partnership, Hearing Loss Association—WA, HSDC (Hearing Speech & Deaf Center), the City of Seattle ADA Title II Compliance, Finance and Administrative Services; Seattle Center; Seattle Commission for People with disAbilities; Seattle Department of Neighborhoods; Seattle Department of Transportation; Seattle Human Resources; Seattle Human Services Department; Seattle Legislative Department, Office of the City Clerk; Seattle Office of Immigrant and Refugee Affairs; Seattle Office of Labor Standards; The Seattle Public Library LEAP; Seattle Parks and Recreation; and Sight Connection.